In this way, the trade fair center is recognized for its facilities and for the management it carries out to execute events. As of January 1, 2023, the GL events Group, a brand recognized for having a chain of high-class event centers throughout its network of GL events Venues, officially became a member of the AIPC, International Association of Convention Centers. The institution, which aims to encourage and recognize excellence in convention center management, will provide tools for selected event centers to achieve high standards through its research, education and networking programs. The GL events Group, present in several countries around the world, which manages through Venues a network of more than 50 convention and event centers in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, South Africa and South America, now has this recognition and opportunity to develop the experience it delivers to users. In the same way, it will be able to acquire new knowledge in the organization of exhibitions and congresses, as well as numerous activities. Venues Chile, being today part of the AIPC, presents two recognized venues in Santiago: Parque Fisa: It is the only venue in Santiago that gathers in one place pavilions for exhibitions and halls for conventions, corporate and social events. It has more than 5,000 parking spaces, being minutes away from the international airport and hotels, with excellent connectivity to highways. It stands out for having a strong sustainable seal, committing itself to the care of the environment, contemplating sustainable architecture and in the medium term will have renewable energy generation, gray water recovery systems, energy-efficient air conditioning and LED lighting. Metropolitan Santiago: This is the most important and prestigious convention center in Santiago de Chile, with an area of 4,700 m², of which 3,200 m² are indoors and 1,500 m² are patio and terraces. In addition, there is a 51,000 m2 park with a view of the Andes Mountains. Currently, this renowned venue has hosted several international trade fairs and congresses. “Our event centers are in constant growth and transformation, seeking to host all types of events. We are happy to be part of the AIPC, because it endorses our effort and dedication, allowing us to continue growing to deliver new and better experiences to people. We invite you to visit our facilities and be part of our exhibitions, congresses, corporate events, among other events offered by Venues Chile”, said the manager of Metropolitan Santiago, Jaime Solar. This membership as a network of venues, the first of its kind for the AIPC, underscores the value of the association’s involvement in the events sector and the values it brings to its global community. APAVE’S SAFE & CLEAN CERTIFICATION FOR ALL ITS BUSINESSES The GL events Group in Chile, which has held important economic meetings in the Venues Chile event centers, including Edifica, Feria Fisa, and Expo Hospital, as of July 2021 has the Safe & Clean certification, granted by APAVE, an international organization specialized in corporate risk management with more than 150 years of experience. This body conducted several audits of the GL events group’s business operations around the world and after evaluating its sanitary protocols and the measures implemented to deal with Covid-19, the organization awarded its “Safe & Clean” certification to all of the company’s international businesses. Obtaining the certification underlines the rigor and professionalism of the company’s processes at the international level and ensures the consistency of the sanitary protocols deployed, thus providing all employees, partners and customers with the same safety guarantees at all the Group’s sites and offices. Apave’s Safe &Clean label provides an additional guarantee of peace of mind for GL events and its stakeholders. And it is part of the result of the company’s collective commitment and to resume GL events activities under high safety standards in Chile and the world. This complements the “Safe &Clean” certification already obtained for all the Group’s commercial activities in France in December 2020. Apave’s certification aims to make the world safer, more sustainable and a source of shared progress.
At the end of April, Parque Fisa held its largest event since its creation, Expomin 2023, for which different spaces were renovated, such as the Cordillera hall, the Convention Center, and the “Plaza de los Presidentes” (Presidents’ Plaza) was created.
The Santiago International Fair will have free shuttle buses from the Pajaritos Metro Station from 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 17 through Sunday, November 20.
On Thursday, October 6, the Sustainability Day was held at Edifica, highlighting the sector’s practices aimed at circular economy.